Published on June 6, 2007 By CDOB In WinCustomize Talk
When I used to download windowblinds or logon screens etc I could type in the name or author to find the one I want. I am missing something ? When I go to look it seems I have to start at the first and work through or go to the end and work back. Most of the ones I am looking for seem to be in the middle and going though several hundred takes much to long help please
on Jun 06, 2007
Use the search box at the top right.
on Jun 06, 2007

The search field is now up at the top right of the page.

on Jun 06, 2007
thank you I had tried and no matter what I type in there it comes back saying nothing is found but I will keep trying
on Jun 06, 2007
You really have to type it in exactly right.. Or it doesn't identify...
I have had the same problems. Be sure to type is just right, it is case senitive.
on Jun 06, 2007
Excact name , cAsE SeNsItIvE, and make sure your in the WB gallery if your searching for a WB by a specific author. Works everytime.